
Plan with Me: 25-31 May 2015

Welcome back, cupcakes! Usually I do my Plan with Me's via my YouTube channel, but with my pending move & so much to do before I actually uproot my kids & I to New Jersey to live with my parents, I dont have much time to sit, record, edit, & post. Hopefully once I move out there, I will be able to get back into my routine & maybe even have a better recording set up. We will see. 

So lets hop into this weeks planning sesh!

This week in my Erin Condren we are on the week of May 25-31 & I am using the Mario Decorating Kit from KG Planner on Etsy. I had placed a recent order with KG & these were the stickers my kiddos said I should decorate this week with... so I went with it. All the stickers you see on this spread are from KG, except the blog/conversation bubble & IG icons (which are from my shop) & the little dog stickers are from Hobby Lobby (...or maybe Michaels?)


As you can see, there is really not much placed into my planner at the moment just for the simple fact that I am not entirely sure what this week holds in store for me & my brood. I do have my little to do list on a cute clipboard (again, from KG) for Monday, as well as a bright reminder to give Bella the remainder of her medication. Other than that... life (at this point) seems pretty boring at this point.  

On Monday, I need to call Aarons (my leasing company for my washer & dryer) to see if they can come out either that day or early on Tuesday to install a "moving package" onto my washer so the moving company can move my w&d to Cali with my husband. Not even entirely sure what that is but apparently, without it, the movers will not take my set &/or I need to pay them $150 to install it... nice of them to tell us this NOW instead of when we set up the appointment to have the military move us a month ago. 

Also need to make sure laundry is finished on Monday since they are taking the washer & dryer on Tuesday (although, I suppose whatever isnt finished I can always take to the laundromat...). Then there is packing the office (& cleaning it, even if it is not on the list... it is kinda self explanatory with the "pack the office" bit), pack my stock pile room (figure out what is going to Cali with my husband & what is coming with me to NJ), & pick up more packing boxes from dollar general... lets see if I actually get anything done. Then I also need to finish up the last of my orders before vacation mode hit so I can mail them on Tuesday.

Tuesday I need to give Bella (like I said) her remaining round of medication, go to my old job (man, I miss the clinic all ready), pay my final bill & get Bellas rabies tag that I forgot to get over the weekend, husband needs to call Aamco in regards to his trucks transmission, & the movers will be here between 08 & 11 to start packing.

Aside from continuing to pack what I am taking to NJ with me, there is nothing much going on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. I do have some things I need to post to the blog, youtube (my vlogs), & Instagram periodically throughout the week. Husband gets paid Friday, we have an appointment with U-Haul to have a trailer hitch installed on my car Saturday morning, pick up the trailer as well, & then load the trailer sometime Saturday & Sunday... I also am planning on a going away bonfire on Saturday, & sometime over the weekend our landlord is doing the final walk through... I guess I should go write those in so I dont forget, huh?

& that is about it. Pretty boring this week. Stay tuned to my instagram for mid-week & end of the week views! Also, for those who are wanting to purchase an EC, be sure to use the link below, sign up, & receive a $10 gift certificate off your first purchase.


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