
Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs | A Review

Hello cupcakes!
So there's this new innovative product on the market (ER... Well, it's new to me but I don't know how long it's actually been out) from Sally Hansen - MAKEUP FOR YOUR LEGS! At first I thought this product was a self tanner, but upon closer inspection (read: when I was getting ready to use the product) it's a very liquidy, powdery soft foundation substance. It honestly felt like the Revlon airbrush foundation; except this sets in 60 seconds & doesn't budget or melt until you wash it off. 

The price tag is a bit up there (if you shop at Walgreens/CVS). I originally spotted this product at Walmart for about $11 but they didn't have my shade so I ran to Walgreens (hoping they would have some sort of sale or give me points for my purchase) & shelled out $15! ...well, minus a $2 coupon kindly provided to me from Influenster, so I really paid $13, but still - if you don't have a coupon or a really good sale it can be quite up there for leg makeup. 

Here are my natural, untanned, fish belly white legs. 

Yep. I'm whiter than white on my legs but my arms/shoulders/face are a soft tan. I wear pants too much. Per the products directions printed on the aresol can: Shake well. Spray directly into hands then rub on legs to blend. Allow 60 seconds to set. Wash off with soap, water, & a washcloth. So I did just that. I spray the insta-tanning product into one hand, rubbed them together then massaged it all over my legs. It's super liquidy & too much can leave uneven clumps of color on your legs so be sure to start with a little product at a time & add more as needed. It felt very feathery & soft when applying & instantly you can tell the difference between a leg that has product on it & a leg that doesn't. 

It's a subtle difference when looking at them side by side but that's great, in my opinion. I don't want my legs to be so much darker than my arms. Upon first inspection, I honestly thought it looked like I just slathered makeup onto my legs & went on my merry little way. As it sank more & more into my skin (we're talking over the next couple of hours of wear), it seemed to blend nicely as if I had been working on my tan. 

Lovely shade on tan. 💖

While doing my errands, I did notice there's a glittery-shimmer to the product. This could go one way or the other. I honestly would've preferred it without the glitter/shimmer but overall it's not a bad product. I got it in the shade Light Glow so that could've been why it's loaded with shimmer... Or it could be all their products have the same effect. I'm not entirely sure. 

I do still love my Jergens Natural Glow gradual self tanner lotion but for a quick tan, this is a great product. I have not tried to wash it off my legs as of yet, but it seemed to come off my hands fairly easily with some soap & water. 
Influenster & Sally Hansen were kind enough to offer you a $2 off coupon on any Airbrush Legs product of $8 or more. Click here to print your copy & head over to your nearest retailer.
Have you guys tried any of these products in this line? What are your thoughts? I'm kind of sad it washes right off because I can't go in the pool at our family gatherings if I decide to apply this so I don't look like a ghost on the deck. I will say that it holds up really well with all my running around today. 

**I received a coupon for this product from Influenster for my honest & true opinion. Receiving this coupon did not sway my opinion. For more information on my disclosure policy, click here. If you would like to start receiving promotional items for you opinion from Influenster, click here**

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